Message from ISC's President!

Nixon Sardjono

President of ISC 2023-2024

“As the President of ISC here at SCC, leading this community has truly been the best decision of my life. It's because of all the support and love that has fueled my passion and commitment. The incredible individuals who make up our ISC are a family. Each and every one of you brings extraordinary energy, spirit, and laughter that fills our gathering with life and warmth. The memories we have shared, the laughter that echoes across our meetings and events are what make leading this community an absolute joy, It's your support and love that means the world to me. So, from the bottom of my heart, I want to express my sincerest appreciation for standing by my side, for believing in our vision, and for being the heart and soul of ISC. I truly couldn't have done anything without you. Thank you all for being a part of this wonderful journey. "Full Senyum Maseh" - Kimhoa .”